Company- and media owner
Markus Kortschak, BA (Hons)
+43 664 1484209
Recording Studio Bad Blumau
Kleinsteinbach 93 | 8283 Bad Blumau | Österreich
Google Maps
Branch Salzburg
Halleiner Landesstraße 77a / Top 4 | 5061 Elsbethen | Österreich
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Sales tax
According to authority
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Fürstenfeld
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Tems and conditions for the rental of equipment (German)
Data Protection (German)
Indication of EC-dispute settlement
Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit:
Webdesign & Programming Webdesign Grimm
Bibliography for the used pictures and graphics
copyright for the title-picture of the site "Audio Engineer": Mariya Nesterovska
copyright for the picture of the site "Audio Engineer": Markus Kortschak
copyright for the title-picture of the site "Imprint": Markus Kortschak
copyright for the CD-cover "Volume 1": R.E.T. Brass Band
copyright for the logo "Theater Vorpommern": Theater Vorpommern
copyright for the CD-cover "Honesty": Horst Ghaicher
copyright for the film-cover "Elephants Carousel": Bernhard Ivancsics
copyright for the CD-cover "Volkslied im neuen Kleid": Chorverband Steiermark
copyright for the audio-tracks "Tristis est anima mea" and "Folyik a viz": Interkultur
copyright for the CD-cover "Meisterkurse für Streicher und Pianisten": Austrian Master Classes
copyright for all other pictures and graphics: Markus Kortschak